Hello Everyone, I am Ayushi Bhattacharya, and I belong from Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. By profession, I am a Microbiologist but if we speak of passion, that would be singing. Since I was a kid, I always knew that I wanna pursue my passion someday. My parents, as I am the only child were always very supportive of me and especially my Father, It was his dream to see me perform on a stage and fulfill my passion. Now that he is not amongst us anymore, I still want to fulfill his dream along with mine.
Getting selected for ITF has gotten me one step more closer to my dream and attending the ITF audition was a dream come true experience. I am so glad that I got this opportunity because singing, for me, is a passion but also, I believe that it is a way of carrying emotions and understanding emotions.
I first wanna say that I am thankful and I wanna make best the best out of this opportunity so that I can live my dream, that I have always dreamt of

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