Meet Agrima Singh, a vibrant 10-year-old residing in the picturesque town of Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh. Currently in the fifth grade, Agrima’s dreams extend beyond the boundaries of her textbooks – she aspires to become a doctor when she grows up
.But there’s more to Agrima than just her academic pursuits. From the tender age of 5, she discovered her love for dance, a passion that has blossomed into a dedicated hobby. Agrima’s journey in the world of dance began with her first performance in the KG class, capturing the hearts of her peers and teachers alike.
At the heart of Agrima’s dancing odyssey is her mentor, Rex Dsouza A seasoned dance teacher, Rex is more than an instructor; he is a guiding force, helping Agrima shape her dreams into reality.
Agrima’s journey is a beacon for parents and educators alike, illustrating the importance of recognizing and nurturing a child’s passion. The collaboration between Agrima and Rex Dsouza sir
serves as a testament to the profound impact a mentor can have on a young mind, fostering not just skill development but also the growth of character and confidence.
He give me lots of knowledge about dance that I don’t know earlier, he told me that in this you need to also study.
I didn’t even think that I will be able to come on this (ITF) stage & this is all possible because of Rex D’souza Sir . I try to give my 100% in this reality show (ITF)

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