ITF Dancer Devika Dhir Delhi

Dancer Devika Dhir Delhi

I am Devika Dhir. I am 9 years old. I am from New Delhi, it is also my birth place. It is also the capital city of India and very well known for authentic food and fashion. Moreover it is the political hub of India.
B.boy Monty sir is my choreographer of God Gift Crew academy. He is very caring and teach me dance by explaining it easily and well which is very helpful for me. He was the one who told me about India’s talent fight T.V show and gave my video to the team of India’s talent fight.
When I was selected for the T.V round, it was one of the golden moments of my life. I want to become like my sir and Geeta maa. Dancing has been my favourite hobby as far as I can remember. It is a passion that brings me immense joy and allows me to express myself freely. Dance performance is like telling a story with your body using movements and expressions to convey emotions and ideas.
If I don’t dance it feels like something is missing from my life. 
For this I want to thank my parents who never rejected my every decision in my life. I cannot begin to describe how blessed I am to have    amazing parents in my life and both of them are my world.
Thank you.

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